10 Indoor Gross Motor Activities

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In the summer months it is easier to entertain your kids. You can go to the beach, amusement park, pool, park…..there are endless possibilities. But the winter months can be much more challenging. What do you do when you can't get outside, or you’ve already been outside and now everyone is cooped up in the house?

 Indoor gross motor activities are a fun way to keep kids active and help get the wiggles out. Many of these activities are fun but they also involve large muscle groups and the coordination of sensory information. Here are 10 fun indoor gross motor activities using basic household items to get you through those long winter months!

1. Paper Plate Skating - this is great for working those large muscle groups and all you need is paper plates and a smooth surface.

2. Animal walks - this is a great way to provide proprioceptive and vestibular input, work out some of that energy and exercise those large muscle groups.  You can also make an animal dice and your children can take turns rolling the dice to see what animal they will be next!

3. Balloon Tennis- Blow up several balloons. Have them walk like a penguin with the balloon in between their knees. Maybe they can volley the balloon back and forth. How many times can they hit it before it touches the ground? 

4. Painter’s Tape- one of the best ways to work on motor skills is with tape. The setup is easy and the clean-up is even easier!  Possibilities are endless!

5. Alphabet yoga- they can practice their letters AND move their body all at the same time! I love when we can embed academics into gross motor activities!

6. Bed sheet parachute - this a great activity often used in PE class at school. Don't have a parachute at home? No problem! Just use a bed sheet. Fill it with stuffed animals and try to make them bounce. 

7. Get DANCING- maybe your young learners like to dance and move their body. Put on some music! Or you can make the movement a more structured activity by putting Go Noodle on. They can participate in a dance lesson or a stretching program. 

8. Ring toss- you CAN throw things safely indoors! Make your own rings and use a dining room chair! You can also introduce letter or number recognition with a fun ring toss game using paper plates and cups. 

9. Skee ball- all you need is laundry baskets and socks. Get your young learners in several rows and have them take turns tossing rolled up socks into the target. The more accurate they are, the more points they get!  

10. Obstacle Course- combine several of the options above and create an indoor obstacle course with basic household items. 

When the weather isn't perfect and being outdoors isn't always possible, we can use this as an opportunity to practice our gross motor skills indoors. Don't let the cold weather keep your child from moving!