We Help Your Child Grow
with Play-based Activities

"Play is the work of children." -Jean Piaget

Play-based Activities
Scroll to learn about each service

Physical Therapy

Sometimes children, even babies, need physical therapy too!
For the most part, pediatric physical therapy sessions should look and feel like play

PTs engage kids with fun, age-appropriate games and activities to keep them motivated and happy. Through play, physical therapists help promote development and help children master gross motor skills, improve balance, coordination and flexibility needed for walking, climbing, sports and recreational activities.

Some Areas We Treat:

  • Neruological Disorders
  • Developmental Disabilities
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Coordination Difficulties
  • Muscle Weakness And Decreased Strength
  • Torticollis
  • Gross Motor Difficulties
  • Gait Training
  • Balance
  • Developmental Coordination Disorder
  • Genetic Disorders
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Orthopedic (Sports) Injury
  • Plagiocephaly

Each child’s program is developed specifically to meet their needs. It may include positioning during daily routines and activities,  adapting toys for play, expanding mobility options, or managing equipment in the home. We support families by working collaboratively to promote coordination of service, advocacy and  assist in enhancing development.

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Occupational Therapy

"Occupational Therapy? But my child doesn't work!"
Although your child doesn't have a job, they do “work” all day.

They work at eating, dressing, playing, toileting, being a student. Pediatric occupational therapy helps your child be successful in areas that are important to their lives. This includes daily activities like getting dressed, feeding themselves, writing their name, manipulating small objects for play, self-regulation.

Some Areas We Might Address:

  • Fine motor skills
  • Visual motor/Visual perception
  • Activities of daily living (such as feeding or dressing)
  • Upper extremity strengthening and range of motion
  • Executive functioning
  • Self-regulation
  • Eye/hand coordination
  • Bilateral Coordination
  • Balance

Each occupational therapy session looks a little different depending on your child’s age, needs and interests. We typically prefer to use familiar toys that are already in the home such as Legos, blocks, Play-doh, puzzles, trampolines. Through this therapy process occupational therapists will help your child build a strong foundation to optimize development and help them be as successful as possible.

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Speech Therapy

"What do pediatric speech therapists really even do?"

If you guessed that they help your child to talk then you are RIGHT!! But a speech therapist does so much more! Speech therapists help your child with communication but they also help with feeding and swallowing issues too. They help your child by addressing three main areas:

Expressive Language

This can consist of helping with articulation errors or with speech fluency. Or they can help your child produce words and stringing those words into phrases and sentences. This will help your child to begin to express wants/needs and eventually progressing to expressing thoughts and ideas.

Receptive Language

This is when the speech therapist works on your child’s ability to understand language. They usually work on this by having them follow simple one step directions and progressing to multi step directions.

Feeding Therapy

Meal time can be great for family bonding, but for some families it can also be a challenging time for children and a source of stress for families. Feeding therapy is more than just teaching your child to eat. The speech therapist works closely with your ‘picky eater’ to determine the reason for the difficulty and they will develop an individualized plan to help support families during meal time.

Speech therapists work to enrich and enhance communications skills through play-based activities that are fun and target specific areas of concern. They might engage in pretend play with a doll or use books, blocks or pictures to stimulate language development. Our speech therapists work closely and collaboratively with families to provide strategies that can be easily implemented in the home setting.

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How it works

Step one: Schedule your appointment. Let us know your concerns and we can schedule and evaluation. Step two: Personalized Visit. You will receive a one-on-one visit from a therapist that will review your concerns, evaluate your child and develop and individualized plan. Step three: Follow up. Depending on your child’s needs you might need a follow up visit or continued service. The plan will be developed based on the needs of your child and depending on what fits your family best. Contact us

Rates & Insurance


Out of Network Reimbursement

Benchmark Pediatric Rehabilitation Services is considered an out of network provider with all insurance carriers. Without the needless constraints imposed by a healthcare carrier (such as pre-authorizations or capped visits) you can enjoy the flexibility of having services provided to your child as you see fit. All associated costs for the therapy visit will be known upfront. Although we do not accept insurance, we will provide you with all appropriate documentation in order to submit the claim to your insurance for possible out of network reimbursement.

Health savings plan


Most insurance carriers consider our services to be reimbursable through health savings accounts, health reimbursement accounts or flexible spending accounts. We will provide you with a superbill and any additional documentation necessary to maximize your healthcare coverage.