The Vertical Advantage: Why Children Benefit from Playing on Vertical Surfaces

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As parents and caregivers, we often focus on providing children with ample opportunities for play and exploration. From traditional toys to outdoor adventures, the options seem endless. However, one often overlooked aspect of play is the importance of vertical surfaces. While horizontal play spaces are familiar and readily available, incorporating vertical surfaces into children's play environments offers a plethora of benefits for their development.

Fine Motor Skills Development

Playing on vertical surfaces requires children to use their hands and fingers in new and challenging ways. Whether they're gripping markers to draw on a vertical chalkboard or manipulating pieces on a magnetic board, these activities promote the development of fine motor skills. As children grasp, scribble, and manipulate objects on vertical surfaces, they strengthen the muscles in their hands and fingers, improving dexterity and coordination.

Spatial Awareness and Hand-Eye Coordination

Interacting with vertical surfaces encourages children to explore space in new dimensions. As they reach, stretch, and move their bodies while engaging with vertical play materials, they develop a heightened sense of spatial awareness. This increased awareness translates into improved hand-eye coordination, as children learn to accurately judge distances and angles when interacting with objects on vertical surfaces.

Bilateral coordination

Encourage your kiddos to take responsibility for holding a coloring page, word search, or other worksheet activity against the wall while they complete it. This method requires them to incorporate their non-dominant hand as a stabilizer, a skill many find challenging even when working on a horizontal surface like a table or desk. By practicing this technique, children can improve their awareness and coordination across various activities.

Midline Crossing

Encourage your kiddo to draw "life-size" scenes, such as rainbows, houses, or playgrounds. These activities require large arm movements that promote midline crossing, an essential skill for development. If children struggle with the creative or artistic aspects but could benefit from practice, consider drawing a large sideways 8 (also known as a Lazy 8) and have them trace over it with their finger, different colored crayons, a pompom held in their pincer grip, or even a stick as they follow the infinity symbol.

Wrist Extension

Vertical surfaces promote wrist extension, which naturally encourages the ring and pinky fingers to find their way into the palm, resulting in a more optimal grasp pattern. When a child utilizes a functional tripod or quadrupod grasp, they can execute more precise and legible work.

Overall Strengthening

Vertical play engages postural muscles, improving postural control and core stability, which are crucial for maintaining a stable sitting or standing posture. In addition, playing on a vertical surface encourages the use of larger muscles in the shoulder and upper extremity which is vital for overall coordination and control. 


For some kiddos, working while standing proves more effective than sitting at a desk. Utilizing a vertical surface not only offers sensory input but also allows for flexibility in positioning.

Incorporating Vertical Play into Children's Environments

To maximize the benefits of vertical play, caregivers can incorporate a variety of materials and surfaces into children's play spaces. Vertical chalkboards, easels, magnetic boards, pegboards, and climbing walls are just a few examples of vertical play materials that can be easily integrated into indoor and outdoor environments. By providing children with access to these vertical play opportunities, caregivers can support their development in multiple domains while encouraging creativity, exploration, and physical activity.

While horizontal play spaces are essential, incorporating vertical play opportunities into children's environments offers a host of benefits for their development. From fine motor skills and spatial awareness to sensory stimulation and overall strengthening, playing on vertical surfaces engages children's minds and bodies in unique and meaningful ways. By recognizing the importance of vertical play and providing children with opportunities to engage with vertical surfaces, we can support their growth and development in enriching ways.